Combining acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is a virtually painless, non-surgical procedure that can restore youthful beauty to your face. It can reduce wrinkles, fine lines, puffiness, and facial sagging and discoloration. It can also reduce eye bags, droopy eyelids and double chins. Treatments have been known to improve hormonal balance, delay the hair loss and graying associated with aging, and even improve the quality of sleep. Refined, tested, and perfected over the course of thousands of years, acupuncture is a natural, noninvasive method of addressing both the outward symptoms of aging and its internal causes.

Facial Rejuvenation works by tightening pores, improving muscle tone and reducing facial stresses. It also restores balance to the skin’s moisture and color by increasing blood circulation to the face, which improves muscle tone. It can even reduce the buildup of noxious elements in the skin.

Another advantage of acupuncture is its ability to strengthen the immune system of which our skin is an essential part. It helps stimulate the body’s natural processes of cell reproduction and growth. Inserting needles in key areas of the face can affect the production and dispersal of collagen and elastin. Collagen helps skin stay durable and resilient; elastin maintains its elasticity. Excess sun exposure and aging reduce the body’s ability to produce both collagen and elastin.